Thursday, May 26, 2011

Benefit Of Short Nap

Short nap....
It is two word that i always heard since i am a kid... Actually my father always use this word when he want some rest.. Normally he will take a short nap....
Short nap is some behavior that someone who are sleep for a while.. It is Actually take around 10 to 15 minutes sleep before Zohor time... According to my father, when we take a short nap before afternoon, it will help us to restore our energy...

According to scientific speaking, there are more than eight benefit of short nap or the other word day nap... But during this time i will list t for eight benefit...

1) It can help us to reduce our stress at the workplace and study.
2) It will help us to be more productivity and efficient.
3) It can improve our learning ability and tune up our memory.
4) It is good for our cardiovascular(heart).
5) It can help to give stamina for our body when we exercise.
6) It can improve our cognitive function.
7) It can help us to be more creative
8) It can avoid us become sleepy when we do some work and study.
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