Thursday, May 26, 2011


Alhamdulillah... Allah always give us right path in order to fulfill our needs... There are so many sign that Allah give us as the direction to be good Muslim. Sometime because of black point in their liver make us become not obey person as Allah servant..

There are so many causes of this situation... Maybe we know and maybe we don't know... During this time, I would like to talk about food. Some kind of routine that we must do it everyday. I remember when I was a kid a heard story about person who are memorize Al-Quran and hadith are not allowed to eat some cooked food that have selling by other person.. There always be careful about every single ingredient that put it into some food.. They are cooked by them self... If they want to eat fried chicken, there will slaughter chicken by them self and cook it. It same that to other food that they want to eat...

But this situation is different to my brother. He is studying at religion school but he did not have some 'pantang' or forbidden food to avoid easy forgotten . He eat whatever he like unless they seen non halal food which is not approve by JAKIM... But he still can memorize many sentence of Al-Quran. Alhamdulillah. He got gifted knowledge from Allah... MasyaAllah...

For me I always be stress of this situation... It is because from our food that we have taken, it will be part of our body.. How can we become good Muslim if we not aware about this thing... If that kind of food have HALAL logo from JAKIM it is ok for me. And if not... hehehehe....

I think that all for this time... Thank you
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